Olympic Group is a 100 years old establishment and Olympic Zippers Limited is a family owned company managed by professionals . Zipper manufacturing started in 1982 and was the first Indian factory to produce Zippers . Gradually expanded capacity and then diversified into manufacturing of Monofilament Yarn. Today there is complete specialization in all types of Zippers CFC,LFC,Metal, Plastic,Finished Zippers , Sliders , Monofilament Yarn. We dominate the Indian Market share upto 55% of total sales. We stand for our quality of Zippers in the Indian market . We export 80% of our production to the world markets . Our factory has the capacity to export one 20' container every day . We work on very simple terms of payments . To handle the responsibility of exports , our Managing Director Mr Mayank A Gupta is directly involved to ensure the achievements of targets and delivery of goods on time and of the best quality .We are the only company in India to produce the enitre Long Chain Zippers , Sliders and then making Zippers into cut pieces within the factory . Our workers are well trained . Our group lays special attention on the sustainability of the society like recycling of water from the dyeing plants , controlled emission of gases from the boilers, using eco friendly material as a fuel in boilers , making best use of recycled pet bottle flakes . We understand that this our responsibility ot preserve the Planet Earth and contribute on making it good for generations to come . We also are very careful about the wastages in the factory and proper systems for their safe disposal .We have also meaningful programs to make the life of our workers better and involving them in community services and improving their hygeine standards . Special emphasis is given to the education of the children of workers so that they become better citizens and contribute to the growth of our nation .It is the prime most agenda for our company to earn foreign exchange for our country by exporting maximum production and creating customers so that they value the presence of an Indian company in their countries . We understand that by exporting the best quality of goods and creating customers for a long term , we can earn foreign exchange for India . This will be our contribution to our country in its economic development and also help in improving its balance of payment . We aspire to be the best quality and the largest exporter of Zippers and Sliders from India .
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